Monday, August 22, 2005

Fall is here

Well, It looks like fall is finally upon us.. And with the coming of fall, school follows suite. Yep, it is that time of year where we fork over massive amounts of hard earned money to attend school to further our education.

On another note, (not that the content on this site had any real flow) I will be using this blog as a test bed for a project I am working on. With the server down again for the 3rd time, I am going to try and convert a website over to blogs, there fore relieving me of the tedious work of maintaining a website just because I seem to be the only one with any amount of HTML experience (and the use of Dreamweaver)This blog format will allow other members of our university club to post content on the site, keeping the flow of information smooth and not slowing it down waiting for me to convert and post it. This should prove an interesting experiment. Please feel free to submit your comments as this blog is used as the test bed before the launch of the new blog.



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