Thursday, March 10, 2005

'I work for a living...Don't call me Sir'

I have to admit, I am quite puzzled at this phrase. What does it mean? Why do people take offence to the answer of sir? Any help would be appreciated.
It has once again come to my attention that sir is (or should be) a dirty 3 letter word. WHY?!?! I understand you work for a living....I never implied you did not. I don't understand why people tend to become irritated when I answer them by using the word Sir. In my up-bringing, Sir is a sign of respect. It has been bred into my person. I use the word with out even thinking on almost a daily basis. Is it because now to be a Sir, you have to be given a job...and not had to work for the position one currently holds?? I do not intend any disrespect when I use the word sir in a respectful manner. It agitates me when I am jumped on for having called someone sir. Most of the time I surprise most people with my age, especially when they have been around me for a few days to observe my behavior. Out of will just have to bear with my manners and my upbringing, for as long as I am around, the word Sir will still be used as a sign of respect to all who I come in contact with.
Well I guess most of the steam is gone. Ladies and Gentlemen, Have a good evening.


Anonymous Kevin said...

lol, this is a random comment nearly 6 years after the original post. i was googling the same thing and this site popped up.

anyway, it's a military joke. officer is called sir and non-commissioned officer is called by the rank. it's a joke by the ncos implying that officers don't actually do any work.

6:42 AM, November 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its not a joke its a fact.... officers don't do shit

1:56 PM, July 09, 2013  

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