Sunday, December 16, 2007

What a nice surprise! FINALLY!

OK so some background first....
You all know that I was expecting Lauren to arrive yesterday. well.... no such luck. After hearing that her air plane was turned back to Missoula for mechanical problems, we patiently awaited word of her departure. No such luck... for the next call I got from her was to let me know that her flight had been canceled and they were rescheduling. SIGH! Well, after spending the night alone, sad, and out of sorts... It was bound to be a better day.. Or so I hoped.

As of now, Lauren is safely en rout to Fairbanks where she is to arrive early (according to this is definately lifting my spirits and I am no longer claiming that there is still rumor that she is coming home! I get more and more excited as I wait for my love to come in. We still have some details to work out for our wedding.. and some things to get... but none the less, I am glad I get to see her again!

It is funny... the thing we call Love. It causes one to long... no crave the other.

Physically: I long to hold her hand as I walk through the stores, guiding, following, and the silent ' I love you' squeeze. The tingling of my lips as I remember the way we kiss.

Mentally: That true friend on earth. Closer than my best friend ( Don't get me wrong.. I love my friend.. my 'other' brother), the one I can go to with anything, no matter how personal. The one who is there to comfort me when I am low... The one to comfort her when she is low... The shoulder to cry on, and to be cried on... to crave the company of my future wife.. and to already have a small glimpse of what a blessing it is and will be.

Spiritually: Someone to help encourage, and to be encouraged. A partner, a help when it comes to making decisions about church, family, etc.. The help-meet that the Lord has created. The one who faithfully challenges me to read the Bible... and The one who will read it with me.

So many blessings, so much encouragement, so much..... Love! This woman is so much more to me than I ever can explain.. for the words do no justice. I can not believe that the Lord had someone like this in store for me..

This past year (not yet over) has had so many things happen... The loss of a job... the changing of church membership, a beautiful, wonderful young woman has come into my life (soon to be my wife), Reconnecting with old friends, and the making of new ones... and even a now job once again.

Well, that seems to have been the end of my ramblings for the moment... Now to track down a friends phone number.
Until next time!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad all is working out for you and Lauren. Hope that she got there safly. Watch your pees and ques. I know being twiterbated can make things hard to wait for, but do wait anyways!

P.S. After almost 2 years of marriage and one baby later we are still very twiterbated to eachother. Jared will be my witeness.

4:53 AM, December 17, 2007  

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