Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Final Days of the vacation

Well, here we are. It is almost time to return from my vacation and begin the daily grind once again. I do have to admit, I am still not ready to leave this place but I also have to admit, I have peace about waiting on seeing what the Lord has for me during the next few months. Even if nothing happens, and I continue living in Fairbanks, I will try to plan my next vacation around fall time for NC. The time spent here was not just a vacation, but it was a mental kick start I have been needing for some time. I enjoyed the company of all friends that were here (both the ones that live here, new friends, and the friends that came for the wedding) and all. Also during this time, I have re-contacted some old friends who I have not had contact with since they moved. Any rate, It has been a REALLY good vacation. The Lord has definitely blessed this trip.
I will probably compose another post during my 4 hour delay at Atlanta, but it may not be on the web until Friday. Thanks y'all.


Blogger Rebekah L. said...

Hey..sounds like you've had a good time. I remember wanting to move to a bunch of the places I visited on vacation also...like brasil. Ha!! That wouldn't have lasted long. Kind of helps when you speak the language. ;O)
Oh..I did get your email about links...thanks very much, just haven't tried it yet. I will soon.
Tell everyone hi.
Take care, have a safe flight home.

9:30 AM, September 06, 2006  

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